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The Plugin Calls

The visible plugin calls on this page are manipulated to be displayed and NOT executed. If they are simply copied, they will not work.

If you copy these visible plugin calls, you must delete the 3 opening curly brackets with all visible or invisible characters between, and write them new.

Plugin- und Function Calls

Plugin calls are function calls. In order to later recognize whether a plugin function or another function is called, there are 2 forms possible:


Both calls produce the same result.

Plugin calls are usually placed on a blank line created with [enter]. The TinyMCE turns it into a paragraph.

Because block elements are not allowed to appear in a paragraph, but block elements are set in most plugin output, CMSimple (not TinyMCE) makes it a division (div) to avoid invalid html. This only happens if the plugin call is the only thing within the paragraph:

will be converted to:

Plugin call between text

If the plugin call is in the middle of a paragraph or text, TinyMCE does not create a paragraph and therefore CMSimple does not create a division (div) either.

Example: overlay link to the Legal Notice

Text before plugin call Legal Notice » text after plugin call

In the sourcecode view of TinyMCE:

<p>Text before plugin call {‍{{plugin:col_ovlFrame('20240202_0740','../../?Impressum&print','Legal Notice »','bright');}}} text after plugin call</p>

Leaving single plugin calls in the paragraph

It may well be that for some reason you want to leave the plugin call in a paragraph, i.e. the conversion <p> => <div> should be prevented. To do this, you can simply put a space before the plugin call:

 Legal Notice »

If you are fussy and look closely, you will see the space in front of the link, because the TinyMCE sets a non-breaking space (nbsp). You can prevent this by using an invisible non-breaking space. You can find this in the TinyMCE toolbar, it's called "zwj":

Legal Notice »

In the sourcecode view of TinyMCE:

<p>&zwj;{‍{{plugin:col_ovlFrame('20240202_0720','../../?Impressum&amp;print','Legal Notice »','bright');}}}</p>

The execution of the plugin call is also prevented by zwj, between the 1st and 2nd curly brackets. This causes the plugin call to be displayed and NOT executed.

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