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May 2020 - CMSimple 5

CMSimple 5 has been slumbering in CMSimple 4 since the beginning of 2017, since the optional introduction of h1only_pagesplitting in CMSimple 4.7.

CMSimple up to version 4.x splits the content.php (formerly content.htm) into pages based on the headings h1-h3 and creates a corresponding page structure with 3 menulevels. The headings h4-h6 could be used to structure the page content.

The splitting could be increased by CMS configuration up to h1-h6, but in this case there would be no headings left for the page content.

This type of splitting made semantic page structure nearly impossible. A h1 as a page heading could only be followed by a h4 as a subheading, because the h2 and h3 would create new pages.

The h1only_pagesplitting

For this reason, an alternative page splitting methode was introduced in March 2017 with CMSimple 4.7, as an experimental function, that could be activated via CMS configuration. After activating h1only_pagesplitting, a script is offered that converts the existing contents accordingly.

The h1only_pagesplitting splits the content.php into individual pages using h1 headings with special CSS classes and creates the corresponding page structure based on the class, for example:

<h1 class="_level1_page_">Menulevel1 Page</h1>

The advantage: 6 menu levels are possible by default, and you can use all headings from h1 to h6 as you like in the content.

CMSimple 5: h1only_pagesplitting is Standard

As of CMSimple 5, the new page splitting is standard, the standard contents of the downloads are designed accordingly. CMSimple is delivered as follows:

  • h1only_pagesplitting is active
  • the page heading is only visible in edit mode

CMSimple 5 can also be configured to always visible page heading. It's convenient, but not flexible at all. A short page title looks good in the menu, while from a SEO point of view a slightly longer and more meaningful page heading in the content could be advantageous.

Simply Update CMSimple4 => CMSimple5

As there is no configuration file in the update packages, a CMSimple 4 website will continue to run as usual after an update to CMSimple 5, in CMSimple 4 mode.

After the update, the admin can decide whether the page should continue to run in CMSimple 4 mode or whether the content should be converted to h1only_pagesplitting. How to do this, you can find out  here:

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