[New Plugin] SubsiteFuncs 1.1

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Joined: Sun 18. Nov 2012, 14:18

[New Plugin] SubsiteFuncs 1.1

Post by Gert »

Image Hallo,

SubsitFuncs 1.1 steht zum Download bereit:

- Menüs sind jetzt sortierbar, Reihenfolge wie in der Datendatei
- Serverseitige Systemanforderungen wurden reduziert

Vielen Dank an alle Tester. Mehr zur Geschichte der SubsiteFuncs findet Ihr hier:

Info: http://www.cmsimple.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=566

Download: http://www.ge-webdesign.de/cmsimpleplug ... bsiteFuncs

Demo: http://www.ge-webdesign.de/subsitefuncs

Viel Spass - Gert


Image Hello,

SubsitFuncs 1.1 is available for download.

The CMSimple Plugin SubsiteFuncs includes 5 features:
  • You can create Subsites menus (similar to the language menu), the menus can present all registered subsites or single groups of subsites
  • Group menus shows the subsites, arranged in groups
  • Extended search within subsites, that are contained in the text database
  • XML Sitemap for all subsites, that are contained in the text database
  • Replacement of the CMSimple sitemap by a sitemap of all subsites, that are contained in the text database
Existing subsites are recognized automatically, but they have to be written into a text database, for that they appear in the menus, are detected by the search and contained in the XML Sitemap.

This way you can continue to operate independent subsites, not appearing in the menus, and not detected by search and XML Sitemap.

Download: http://www.ge-webdesign.de/cmsimpleplug ... bsiteFuncs

Demo: http://www.ge-webdesign.de/subsitefuncs

Have fun - Gert
Gert Ebersbach | CMSimple | Templates - Plugins - Services
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