Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

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Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Gert »

Image Hallo,

FAQsimple 1.6 steht zum Download bereit.
  • php Fehlermeldung (warning) unter php 8 im Backend behoben
  • unnötige Dateien aus dem Download entfernt
  • Hilfedatei aktualisiert
Viel Spass - Gert


Image Hello,

FAQsimple 1.6 is ready for download.
  • Fixed php error message (warning) under php 8 in the backend
  • removed unnecessary files from the download
  • Help file updated
have fun - Gert


Demo: ... _FAQsimple

Download: ... _FAQsimple
Gert Ebersbach | CMSimple | Templates - Plugins - Services
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Location: Switzerland

Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 & Search Problem

Post by Grockle »

I have a problem with CMsimple Search which has ceased to work for my website . Why, I don't know? At least I have found a workaround, replacing the faqsimple call with faqsimpleAuto.

I have been using CMsimple for several years (since 2013) currently on 5.4 using my version of the Basic02 template which is well suited to our needs as a non-profit Pensioner Society organizing events for pensioners from a Swiss Research Institute. Recently I discovered that the Search function was no long working and gave a blank page, but a "zero" search did work and reported nothing found. I checked my web pages for errors, tried a test version with the 5.6 Version also tried to rebuild from new. I used modern 2022 Templates, no effect, there must be something wrong with my website. It happened on Mac, Windows and Android browsers.
Searching for a solution, I came across a reference to jQuery, I played with the CMS, setting this to autoload (1) no effect, I even rebuilt the site new for H1only_pagesplitting - no effect.
The website search function continued to fail to work. In my searches for a solution, I came across a jQuery reference about JavaScript potential problems.
I then remembered a few months back I had added FAQsimple 1.6 to the system and checked the built-in help for reference to JavaScript and came across the following entry:
4.3 Funktion ohne JavaScript "Auto".

I changed the plugin call to {{{plugin:faqsimpleAuto();}}} and immediately the Search procedure worked as it should.

It's OK like this, but I felt you should know there seems to be a problem with the FAQsimple Plugin and the Website Search regardless of version or templates, at least the ones I used.
The workaround solution is to use faqsimpleAuto in my case.

Or is there another factor which I have not discovered yet? Surely Search should work with the other faqsimple calls?

Here is an insecure test server using version 5.6 and a modern template to demonstrates the error in Search with a faqsimple call , simply search for anything, like PSI for example.

Thanks for all the work on CMsimple and Plugins.

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Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Gert »


vielen Dank für die Tests und die Testinstallation.

Leider kann ich das ganze nicht nachvollziehen, hier läuft alles ohne Probleme: ... _FAQsimple

Welche php Version läuft denn auf der Testinstallation?

Du kannst mir auch gerne mal das CMSimple Passwort für die Testinstallation per PM schicken,

Gert Ebersbach | CMSimple | Templates - Plugins - Services
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Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Grockle »

PHP 7.4.28-he.0
I don't think it can be PHP version since when I created the CMsimple 5.6 on the test server, it was working, the problem only started when I added my own content.php from the original website, there are lots of other things not setup fully on the test site btw., but it just started to demonstrate the same problem when I added my own content.php despite converting the h1... splitting.

I believe it was information in this page which I visited on Saturday which stimulated me to try and exclude using JavaScript in FAQsimple and seemed to provide a workaround ... p/help.htm
Last edited by Grockle on Mon 28. Mar 2022, 16:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Gert »


thanks for access.

But sorry - I found nothing. Please try a fresh installation in another subfolder, with only FAQsimple installed, to make sure there are no conflicts with contents or other plugins,

Gert Ebersbach | CMSimple | Templates - Plugins - Services
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Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Grockle »

I believe this is what I did, but I will try it again pure, just the template and then my content.php. Maybe try by deleting the plugins one by one first. The only thing I had thought of is that my CMsimple site accesses non-cmsimple files on a jAlbum website in the same CMsimple root. I cannot link them any other way other than album - I have tried or ../Album, but the editor always corrects it to Album. But this Album structure isn't even on the test website, the links are though!

As I said previously, the test worked perfectly until I add my content.php. I will test some more.

1. Attempt I used the PluginManager to disable each plugin one by one, no effect until I disabled FAQsimple then search worked again? Currently the only plugin left enabled.
2. I will now Comment out the HTML text of the FAQs, first fully, maybe there is something in the html?

Last edited by Grockle on Mon 28. Mar 2022, 16:31, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Gert »

Grockle wrote: Mon 28. Mar 2022, 16:12 Maybe try by deleting the plugins one by one first.
.. but before you delete MemberArea, you should outcomment the plugincall in the sidebar ;)

I have done it - Gert
Gert Ebersbach | CMSimple | Templates - Plugins - Services
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Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Gert »

Grockle wrote: Mon 28. Mar 2022, 16:12 As I said previously, the test worked perfectly until I add my content.php. I will test some more.
Then the problems seems to be hidden somewhere in your content ...

I have seen manipulated main headings, e.g. images inside - you should never do that,

Last edited by Gert on Mon 28. Mar 2022, 16:41, edited 1 time in total.
Gert Ebersbach | CMSimple | Templates - Plugins - Services
Posts: 14
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Location: Switzerland

Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Grockle »

I believe I didn't do that on the site with basic02 template, I was experimenting with the newer templates, but I will check that out. I'm also sure it is in my content file somewhere.
Posts: 2135
Joined: Sun 18. Nov 2012, 14:18

Re: Plugin FAQsimple 1.6 veröffentlicht/published

Post by Gert »

Found that:

Code: Select all

<h1 class="_level2_page_"><a href="Album/2022/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2022 Eventbilder</a> <img title="Bilder" src="userfiles/images/camera.png" alt="Bilder" width="16" height="16">2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder 2022 Eventbilder</h1>

Why do you do such things with a heading, that nobody sees but the logged in admin?

A main heading looks like this in the sourcecode:

Code: Select all

<h1 class="_level2_page_">Eventbilder 202</h1>
It splits the content.php into pages - nothing more,

Gert Ebersbach | CMSimple | Templates - Plugins - Services
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