How CMSimple works

The idea behind CMSimple was both simple and ingenious: All content is stored in a single html file "content.htm". CMSimple creates, based on the headings h1-h3, the individual pages and the navigation menu (table of contents).

However, this type of pagesplitting had one major disadvantage:

The semantic nesting of the headings could not be adhered to. On a page of menu level 1 with some more headings, the page heading was a h1 heading, followed by an h4 heading, because h2 or h3 headings would create a new page.

Pagesplitting in CMSimple 5

In CMSimple 5 and higher, content.php is only split into pages and menulevels by h1 headings with a specific CSS class, for example:

<h1 class="_level1_page_">Menulevel1 Page</h1>

Basically 6 menulevels are possible, simply enter the corresponding digit in the CSS class, after "level".

Now you can use all headings h1 - h6 in the content, however you want.

content.htm and pagedata.php

CMSimple is an online CMS. The content is stored in the content.htm, page-related data in the pagedata.php. When you save a page, CMSimple automatically synchronizes pagedata.php.

Therefore both files, content.htm and pagedata.php, never should be edited offline in an code editor, because in this case the files maybe are not synchronized.

2 plugins, that store data in the pagedata.php, are already included in the standard scope of CMSimple: meta_tags and page_params.

With meta_tags you can assign meta tags for a CMSimple page , such as your own keywords, anr own page title and a custom page description. These meta tags are important for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) of your site.

With page_params you can assign an alternative page template, you can remove the page from the navigation menu (hide), redirect a page (external or internal), etc.